PAC-UK Training & Consultation Service
About this service
Our training programmes focus on adoption and permanent placement specific topics and are tailored to either professionals working in adoption or adoptive parents and carers. We also hold a number of public seminars and conferences which are open to everyone and can design bespoke courses for an organisation.
Find out more about the different online and in person training we provide, associated fees and how to book a place below.
More Information
We update our training programme throughout the year so keep an eye out for new training events added to ensure you don't miss out. Â
Online workshops for parents and carers Â
Our online workshops for adoptive parents, special guardians, long term foster carers and other permanent carers are accessible and cover a relevant topics. Sessions are hosted on Zoom and are aimed at equipping you with the skills and understanding to better support your child.Â
Child to Parent Violence (CPV) and Non Violent Resistance (NVR) One Day Awareness workshop for parents and carersÂ
This workshop provides an introduction to the principles and methods of Non Violent Resistance and is aimed at adoptive parents, special guardians and other permanent carers. Participants will learn about a range of NVR strategics and core methods to help you build a ‘new authority’ within your family home and increased parental presence. Â
Online workshops for professionals Â
We hold a number of online workshops for professionals working in adoption and permanency that cover a range of different topics. Sessions are hosted on Zoom and are aimed at developing your knowledge and skills in order to better support the children and families you work with.Â
Traumatised Children in School training for professionalsÂ
This training will improve your understanding of early childhood trauma often experienced by adopted, care experienced and other permanently placed children and look at how it can impact their experience of school. Â
A child with a history of trauma, loss and attachment difficulties may find many school tasks and the whole school environment challenging and confusing. It can be difficult for professionals in schools, and elsewhere, to appreciate the impact that traumatic early experiences, as well as the transitions from a birth family to one or more foster families and then to an adoptive family, may have on the child’s overall development. This training will help you gain a deeper understanding of children’s experiences and needs in order to better support them.Â
Adopt a Change training for professionalsÂ
Designed and delivered in-person by young, adopted people, this workshop for professionals aims to challenge your inner bias and reflect on young people’s experiences. It will also equip you with tools, tips, and practical ideas on how to build supportive relationships with young people you work with and for this to help shape and influence your practice. Â
The training is experiential, immersive, and creative, and is designed to encourage you to look at adoption from a young person’s perspective.Â
Enhancing Adoptive Parenting Â
We can deliver commissioned training to social workers and professionals to become Parent Advisers of the Enhancing Adoptive Parenting Programme – a randomly controlled trial parenting programme for use with new adopters of challenging children. This programme can also be used with all permanent carers. Contact us for more information.Â
Commissioned training Â
As well as the courses above you can also commission us to deliver online and in-person training on a range of topics relating to adoption and permanency. These can be tailored to adoptive parents, special guardians, adopted adults, birth parents, professionals, or a combination of participants. Â
Need different support?
Whatever issues you or your family face, we are here to help. If this service isn’t right for you, you can find a different service, contact our helpline, FamilyLine or browse our self-help articles to find the right support for you.
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