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  • Adoption & special guardianship
  • Children & families
  • Food & financial hardship
  • Health & wellbeing
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  • Skills & employability
  • Special educational needs & disabilities
  • Young people

Good mental health is the foundation children and young people need to cope with stress, build healthy relationships and l...

Lisa* shares how finding a FamilyLine befriender helped her turn her life around. After COVID, Lisa struggled with her m...

Mum Clare* has struggled with post-natal depression, fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. Her son has autism and her daughter ...

Sometimes presents from the Toy Appeal mean so much more than a new toy to play with. They act as tokens of recognition and b...

Looking after a child as a single parent is a difficult task, but it’s made much harder when you’re struggling with po...

Conversations about pregnancy and motherhood are often had with the benefit of hindsight. If many of us responded truthful...

Every year since it first launched this time four years ago our FamilyLine service supports thousands of families nationwi...

Young mother Rosie explains how we supported her with her mental health during pregnancy and beyond, and why a supportive ear...