Free impartial, information, advice and support on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for children and their families in the Walsall area

Areas we serve Walsall
Who can access this service Children and young people aged up to 25 with SEND and their parents/carers
Availability Self-referral
Access this service within this local area

About this service

We support children and young people impacted by special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) – as well as their parents or carers – with impartial, free to access, confidential and easily accessible information to help make informed decisions about their options.
By doing so we hope to raise awareness of the options available to those using our service, as well as supporting people to make informed decisions about these options.

The Information, advice and support we provide for children and young people with SEND and their parents/carers is impartial, free to access, accurate, confidential, comprehensive and easy to understand.

How it works:
The service provides advice and support to children and young people aged under 25 via a range of mediums including, telephone support, email, website, social media and face to face contact, both at our office and at community outreach hubs. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Walsall SENDIAS Service aims to:
• Provide information, advice and support to children and young people up to the age of 25 with SEND
• Provide information, advice and support to the parents/carers of children and young people up to the age of 25 with SEND
• Provide impartial advice about matters relating to SEND, including issues relating to health and social care
• Offer support to parents/carers and children and young people with SEND in participating in decisions made about the child/young person’s education, health and social care.

More Information

We provide information/advice about:

  • The law on special educational needs and disability
  • EHCP's & the procedures surrounding them
  • Personalisation & personal budgets
  • The Local Offer – this gives information about Walsall services for young people and parents
  • Managing mediation, tribunals, appeals, exclusions and complaints
  • SEND support in early years provision, mainstream schools & post-16 institutions
  • Local provision in mainstream, resourced mainstream & special schools
  • Where to go for additional support locally or nationally
  • What to do when things go wrong

Visit our Information and downloads page to view resources and links to local support organisations, helplines etc.

If you are aged 16-25, please visit our Walsall SENDIASS Young Person’s page

You can view our service leaflet here

We welcome your feedback on the support we give families, please complete the Walsall SENDIASS Survey

Get in touch

Walsall SENDIAS staff work between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. We do at times leave the office for events and community outreach, so please phone ahead before visiting the office. We do have a 24-hour messaging service on 01922 612008 or you can email us at: [email protected] Phone: 01922 612008

Need different support?

Whatever issues you or your family face, we are here to help. If this service isn’t right for you, you can find a different service, contact our helpline, FamilyLine or browse our self-help articles to find the right support for you.

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Call, text, email or web chat FamilyLine

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, worried or upset about any aspect of your family life, FamilyLine is here for you. We offer free emotional support and guidance on family relationships, conflict, parenting, caring, financial worries and more.

Contact FamilyLine