Walsall SENDIASS information and downloads

Walsall SENDIASS policies and processes

For all our policies and privacy notice, see the Family Action Statements & policies page.

Useful websites and links

Walsall Local Offer

IPSEA -the leading charity in the field of SEND law in England, and provide free and independent legal advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND.

Council for Disabled Children

Act For Autism

Ambitious about Autism

West Midland Autistic Society

National Autistic Society

Down’s Syndrome Network

National Deaf Children’s Society

This is the YouTube link to the playlist for Tribunals. It is a mini YT series made by the tribunal to explain what happens and what to expect.

Parent/Carer Groups in Walsall

Autism West Midlands

Collingwood Autism Support

Hope Autism Network parent/carer support group.

United Support Group for children and young people with neuro-developmental conditions

Walsall Carers’ Hub

Parent and carer support group – Walsall, Wolverhampton and surrounding areas – you can apply for membership for extra benefits

Walsall’s Parent/Carer Forum