Healing and Empowerment Counselling Service

A counselling service for survivors of domestic abuse in Safe Accommodation

The Domestic Abuse Healing and Empowerment Service offers counselling and pre- and post- therapy group work to survivors of Domestic Abuse in Safe Accommodation within Gloucestershire. Access to the service is via professional referral only. The service also provides an open Helpline offering emotional telephone support for individuals impacted by domestic abuse.

What we do

We provide access to specialised counselling and pre- and post- therapy group work to survivors of domestic abuse. Working closely with local partners (Places of Safety, GDASS, Stroud Beresford and Gloucestershire County Council) to offer the best possible support, we aim to empower those we work for.

Therapy sessions

Please note: An empowerment journey is individual and does not always follow the path of pre-therapy work, 1-1 counselling and post-therapy work. Someone from the team will discuss your situation with you, and create the pathway that fits your need.

Our pre-therapy work is run in small groups and hosted by an experienced facilitator. Completed over six 2-hour weekly sessions, this group is designed to help you to feel safe, supported and stable.

1-1 counselling looks to connect you with an experienced team member that has had specific training in domestic abuse. They will offer 10 50-minute sessions, that are tailored to you and your experience.

The post-therapy drop-in groups offer indefinite support. The topics are typically led by the need of the group and supported by a facilitator. Once a month, the session provides a supportive activity, e.g., yoga, mindfulness or creative arts.

You can download a leaflet further explaining the various sessions that we run by clicking here.

Helpline: Open to all

Our Helpline offers emotional and listening support to any one that has experienced domestic abuse, as well as offering guidance, signposting and practical information. This can be used any time throughout a person’s journey.

  • Call on 0300 222 5735
  • Or, if you'd rather not chat, text on 07860022932.
  • Current opening times: Mondays – 11am-2pm, Tuesdays & Thursdays – 4.30pm-8pm. 

Please note that this isn’t a crisis line – you can find numbers for those in crisis below.

If the helpline is closed, help is available from the following national agencies:

  • The Survivors Trust – 0808 801 0818, open Monday to Thursday 10am-8pm, Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-12.30pm, Sunday 6pm-8pm
  • The Male Survivors Helpline – 0808 800 5005, Weekdays 9am-8pm, Weekends 10am-2pm
  • Rape Crisis – 0808 500 2222, open 24/7
  • Domestic Abuse Helpline -0808 2000 247, open 24/7