To help us support families preparing to go back to school, we have partnered with household favourite and kitchen helper, Bacofoil® who have got some low cost, high quality lunchbox ideas below.
It may have been months since parents had to think about their children’s packed lunches, but this September as schools reopen it will become part of the routine once again. But how do you make the lunch box fun, yet tasty, healthy and nutritious, all whilst meeting school regulations and not spending a fortune?
To help us support families preparing to go back to school, we have partnered with household favourite and kitchen helper, Bacofoil® who have created ‘5 for a fiver’. Working with a food and nutrition expert they have developed five different lunch options, which can be done for under £5 per child per week.
The recipes, from spiced cous cous salad box to egg salad sandwich with celery boats, are simple to make, feature alternatives for meat and non-meat eaters and come in at the grand total of £4.61 for the week.
Recipes include:
- Cheese salad skewers – 89p
- Spiced cous cous salad box – 84p
- Cheese and ham frittata muffins – 92p
- Egg salad sandwich with celery boats – 83p
- Pesto pasta salad – £1.13
The recipes give children the right nutrients to maintain a healthy diet, but are also tasty and things I know children enjoy.
Phil Mundy, Food and Nutrition Writer, who created the recipes said: “Kids eating habits have changed a lot since I was having packed lunches, now there is an important focus on nutrition and health value, as well as still needing to be fun and engaging. That’s why we created a week’s worth of colourful, tasty and nutritionally balanced lunchboxes for little ones. The recipes give children the right nutrients to maintain a healthy diet, but are also tasty and things I know children enjoy. And, the best part is you can make all five of them for under a fiver.”
As part of our work together, Bacofoil® have donated 500 packed lunches to Family Action for children to have lunches for the first two weeks of the new school term, along with boxes of its reusable Zipper® Bags to make the prep and storage of children’s lunches and leftovers really easy for busy parents.
Zoe Lunn, Senior Brand Manager at Bacofoil® said: “We know this year the back to school period is likely to be harder than ever, and as the kitchen helper we wanted to give families a helping hand, not only through a donation to Family Action, but also with some helpful hints and tips on how to easily create tasty but healthy and cost effective lunches for children. Plus, we’re donating our reusable Zipper® Bags, which are really helpful when it comes to prepping, storage and keeping food fresh for longer.”
David Holmes CBE, Chief Executive at Family Action, said: “The back to school period is a highly pressured time for many of the families that we work with and this year it has taken on a bigger emphasis as many people find themselves facing increased hardship following the Covid-19 pandemic. So, we were delighted to partner with Bacofoil®, as it gives us the opportunity to support even more families in those first couple of weeks back at school and removes that concern around how they can provide their children with a healthy, nutritious packed lunch.
To discover the recipes you can visit the Bacoschool hub.