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We’ve won Charity of the Year at the Third Sector Awards

22 September 2021

We’re incredibly honoured to have won Charity of the Year at this year’s Third Sector Awards. Amazing recognition for our work over the past 12 months in response to the pandemic and beyond. These awards are one of the most important ways the third sector publicly recognises excellence and achievement, and so to win Charity of the Year is a true testament to the hard work, passion and commitment of our staff and supporters.

“An excellent response to the pandemic with appropriate and timely new services being delivered. It is clear that passion drives this charity”. – Awards judge

The last year has been incredibly tough for everyone, especially for the many families and individuals who were already struggling before the pandemic. Mental health, isolation, financial problems and food insecurity are all issues we have seen increase.

In response, we changed and adapted our existing services to continue to provide critical support to families whilst also developing new ways to help them thrive. Our FamilyLine helpline supported nearly £10k people and our FOOD clubs rapidly expanded from 9 to 72 to meet the growing need. We also expanded our grants scheme, providing 4,341 COVID-19 Survival Grants to families totalling £2,879,291.

A word from our Chief Executive, David Holmes, CBE.

“We are delighted to be recognised as Charity of the Year in the Third Sector Awards 2021. This award is testament to the incredible energy, commitment and resilience of all our staff and volunteers at Family Action. The pandemic challenged us all in so many ways, yet as an organisation we faced the challenge together, became stronger together and increased our support for children and families across the country.”

We are so thrilled to have won Charity of the Year and look forward to continuing to be there for families as they recover and rebuild towards a positive future.

A huge thank you to our amazing workforce, volunteers and supporters who make our work building stronger families and brighter lives possible.

Find out more about what we do and how you can get involved with Family Action.


Family Action
