Have a look at our collection of tips, ideas and hacks on how to get the very most out of your breakfast every day! They include ideas for encouraging your teenagers to have breakfast by making it more exciting, to making cost effective breakfasts from ingredients you probably already have at home.
Download our tips to make a healthy, tasty, cost effective breakfast:
Teenage breakfast
Breakfast is the most skipped meal of the day with up to 30% of school children missing breakfast every day. Teenagers are more likely to skip breakfast, especially girls. Here we share some tips on helping you think outside the box to make sure that breakfast becomes a part of your morning routine.
Drinkable breakfasts
Smoothies are a good way to start the day if you do not have much appetite in the morning. Frozen fruit, yoghurt and milk work well.
Did you know that research has proven that students who regularly eat breakfast do better in their GCSEs?
Grab and go
Have you considered a sandwich for breakfast? Ham, cheese, peanut butter, tuna, chicken. Can be made the night before and eaten on the go. For more on the go ideas click here.
Think different
Breakfast does not always have to be a ‘breakfast’ item: it can be anything considered healthy: for example, homemade soup or leftovers.
Eat right
Eating breakfast can help you maintain a healthy weight. This is because you are less likely to snack on junk food later.
Be prepared
Think about the things you like to eat. Pancakes can be made in advance, frozen and quickly toasted straight from the freezer.
A problem shared
When we talked to parents about what makes breakfast and the morning time stressful, they shared with us issues that most of us can recognise as familiar challenges in our own home.
Here are some of the shared views on what makes the morning time stressful. Click the statements you relate to for some helpful solutions.
“How to get children involved with cooking.”
“Understanding hidden sugars & salt in breakfast items.”
“Finding healthy alternatives to tempt younger children is a challenge.”
“Understanding what foods are truly healthy.”
“Ideas for breakfasts I can make in advance or the night before to save time in the morning.”
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