Here at Family Action, we have a holistic approach to helping families – supporting every generation from babies, children and young people, to parents and grandparents and we know through our work, the very special place the grandparents have in a family. They often play an intrinsic role in supporting their families, be it looking after their grandchild or giving advice, learned through their own experience, to their adult children who are now parents themselves.
On Sunday 6 October, its Grandparent’s Day – an opportunity for parents and grandchildren to say thank you to grandmothers and grandfathers everywhere who give their time, wisdom, love and support, helping ensure their family’s happiness and wellbeing. To help celebrate the contributions made to family life by all the grandmas, grandpas, nans, grandads, grannies, and grandpops on this is a special day, we hear from two mums and the grandmothers who help them so much…
Tina and her mum, Glenda…
Mum, Tina:
My husband and I have twin little girls, Summer and Willow, who will be two at the end of the year. It’s a big job, looking after two toddlers – my mum and dad and my sister-in-law are the only people we are confident in to manage looking after the twins alone.
I’d like to say thank you so much Mum and Dad, but that doesn’t even cut it! While you should be having your time, relaxing in retirement, you are willing to share your time with me and my girls. Thank you!
We don’t live close by each other, so we don’t have the convenience of Mum popping in for a coffee and a chat. Instead, we have planned activities. It can be tricky taking two energetic little girls out on your own, especially now they can walk, but when mum comes for the day we can have lovely days out taking the girls to the park or sensory soft play together. Without my Mum, I wouldn’t be able to have time alone. Sometimes mum has them at home for me so I can go and have some me time – have a haircut or go shopping. However, I really value the fun times we have as a four – Nanny, me, Summer and Willow. We are also very fortunate that my Dad loves to help out too.
I loved spending time with my grandmothers and I hope the girls will have as happy memories as I do. Their faces light up when they see my mum. They love the way she plays with them and makes up silly songs, games and stories.
I’d like to say thank you so much Mum and Dad, but that doesn’t even cut it! While you should be having your time, relaxing in retirement, you are willing to share your time with me and my girls. Thank you!
Nanny, Glenda:
I have two daughters and I am nanny to a 12-year-old boy Mason and twin girls, Summer and Willow. I help out with the grandchildren by babysitting the little ones and generally helping my daughter out. Mason still needs love and care after school and in the school holidays. I’m happy to help where and if I can – I feel it’s a parent’s job to help their children, even if they are grown up.
The most important thing to me is to help my grandchildren feel loved and cared for; to nurture them and help them understand right from wrong – to help them grow into adults with manners, patience and an understanding that everyone is important.
I don’t want thanks for my help. I think the most important thing is to feel loved and wanted. I want to be included and let my daughters and grandchildren know that I’m a proud mum and nanny. When I see smiles, I know my job is worth doing… I’ll always be here for family, like a strong tree with branches I am proud of.
Lisa and her mum-in-law, Audrey…
Mum, Lisa:
We have twins, Ollie and Sophie who are nearly two and half. The children’s grandparents are always there for us offering help, support and guidance whenever we need it. They look after the twins which allows me and their Dad to go out on occasions. They also support me by coming a long to groups and things like shopping which makes these activities so much easier. Their help allows me to access group activities with Ollie and Sophie such as baby massage, food for life and more. Activities that I would not have been confident or, in some cases, able to access alone. It simply means the world to me and us as a family.
I would like to say thank you for everything you do and quite simply being the perfect grandparents.
The children’s grandparents provide wonderful learning opportunities for them and surround them with love. They have enabled the children to access experiences and learning opportunities they would not have without them. Ollie and Sophie absolutely love having their grandparents around and both get very excited when I say we are going to see their grandparents.
I would like to say: “Thank you for everything you do and quite simply being the perfect grandparents.”
Granny, Audrey:
Ollie and Sophie are the youngest of my husband, Barry and my five grandchildren. We try to help out and provide support whenever we can – when Lisa has appointments of situations where it is difficult to take the children. Food shopping is not an easy task with two little ones, so we help with this to make it easier. I often go along to the toddler groups as an extra pair of hands for their activities and Grandad loves playing and having fun with them both and he is always willing to repair their broken toys.
We think it is important to have a close relationship with the children. To show our love and that we care for them, to encourage, support and guide them with all their activities and learning throughout their young lives. It is also a great pleasure for us to have some fun and interaction with the twins and I am sure it helps us to keep feeling young!
We are only too happy to help out and hope it takes some of the strain and pressure from the parents. We feel extremely lucky to have been so involved with all our grandchildren – to watch them grow, develop, discover, learn and form their own little personalities. We benefit by having much fun, laughter and fulfilment in our lives.