Free, confidential and impartial service offering information, advice and support for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their parents/carers

A little boy turning the pages of a book with other children and an adult in the background
Areas we serve Medway
Who can access this service Children and young people up to the age of 25 years with SEND, and their parents and carers
Availability Self-referral
Professional referrals
Access this service within this local area

About this service

Medway SENDIASS is a free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support service that aims to support young people with special educational needs and disabilities, and their parents and carers, by signposting to local services, providing knowledge on education, health and care processes locally as well as their rights in relation to the law. We help to empower families by providing information and advice to support them to make informed choices and have their voices heard.

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Whatever issues you or your family face, we are here to help. If this service isn’t right for you, you can find a different service, contact our helpline, FamilyLine or browse our self-help articles to find the right support for you.

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Call, text, email or web chat FamilyLine

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, worried or upset about any aspect of your family life, FamilyLine is here for you. We offer free emotional support and guidance on family relationships, conflict, parenting, caring, financial worries and more.

Contact FamilyLine