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My son’s first words, and all the ones that followed 

Our summer campaign is all about memories, and few memories are as precious as those accompanying our children’s first words. But…

Facing the waves – a story about family and memory

Our Making Happy Memories summer campaign is all about discussing the benefits of time spent together, and the resilience that…

Kamila’s story: How accepting difference helped me and my family 

When we talk about neurodiversity, we’re also often discussing identity, and how we relate to others. Although it can be tempting…

Sammie’s Story: finding the right SEND support

At Family Action we believe that family is a doing word – something that can demand so much of us…

Response to the Education Committee Report on persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils

Family Action welcomes the spotlight the Education Committee’s report casts on the issues of persistent absence and support for disadvantaged…

More support needed for children with special educational needs. Our response to the Government

Family Action welcomes the acknowledgement from Government that we need a better system that builds capacity for children and families…

Lucy’s Story: My Son’s Autism Diagnosis

The time surrounding a diagnosis of Autism can be  challenging  for families and bring up all sorts of emotions for…

Hazel’s story: how our SENDIASS staff empower families

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Services, or SENDIAS services, are a vital part of the picture…

Hayley’s Story: How SENDIAS Services Helped Me and My Son

Parents of children who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) often find that there are periods of great upheaval…

Robbie’s Story: how SEND support helped me and my family

Family Action’s services working with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) know there is no such thing as a “typical”…

Response to the Government’s SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan

The Government states that their SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan will provide children and young people across England, with…

Kayleigh’s story: how the Toy Appeal helped my son

There is no “typical” family that receives assistance from our Toy Appeal and, as this story by Kayleigh shows, there…

Ella’s story: My daughter’s autism diagnosis and the battle for support

In response to the Government’s recently published SEND and Alternative Improvement Plan and to mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week (13th – 19th March 2023) we…

Dorset SENDIAS service joins Family Action

Family Action is delighted to have been awarded SENDIAS service for Dorset and we look forward to continuing to work…

Anne’s story: Securing a school place for a child with Autism during COVID-19

Our Creating Happy Memories campaign focuses on celebrating the resilience we’ve all shown over the past year or so and…

Back to school advice for parents of children with SEND

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities experts, who work within Family Action services, have come together to provide a few points…