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Mental Health

My son’s first words, and all the ones that followed 

Our summer campaign is all about memories, and few memories are as precious as those accompanying our children’s first words. But…

Shannon’s story: how perinatal support transformed our family

Family Action works closely with thousands of families across the country, and that means we know a secret. We know that…

Kamila’s story: How accepting difference helped me and my family 

When we talk about neurodiversity, we’re also often discussing identity, and how we relate to others. Although it can be tempting…

Sammie’s Story: finding the right SEND support

At Family Action we believe that family is a doing word – something that can demand so much of us…

Noor’s story: How a Health and Wellbeing project supported me as a single parent

Looking after a child as a single parent is a difficult task, but it’s made much harder when you’re struggling…

Over three-quarters of parents worry about summer activity costs

Long days, warm weather and time with our families – Summer can sound idyllic. Our new research shows that for…

Why is reading important for young people? with Phil Earle

Family Action directly supports young people who have experienced trauma and survived challenges that many adults would find it hard…

Libby’s story: why my Family Action grant was so important this winter 

Over the past year we noticed the huge impact that the increased cost of living had on many of the…

James’ story: how volunteering keeps me in touch with my community

One Family Action volunteer explains why he thinks more men should get involved and explains how doing so has improved…

How the cost of living crisis is impacting families

With the current cost of living crisis following hot on the heels of the COVID pandemic, many families are struggling…

Will’s Story: Gardening at the Escape Project is helping me manage stress

It’s currently national stress awareness month, which is a good excuse for us all to discuss how to manage our…

How to avoid burnout as a parent and partner

In the approach to Mother’s Day we’ve been considering the support we offer to new mothers through our services and…

5 simple ways you can support your child’s mental health

This week is children’s mental health week – which is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges our…

We’ve won Charity of the Year at the Third Sector Awards

We’re incredibly honoured to have won Charity of the Year at this year’s Third Sector Awards. Amazing recognition for our…

Back to school anxiety – what to look for and how to help

Returning to school after the holidays is an exciting time for many, but it can also generate a lot of…

Co-production: ways we involve our service users in the work that we do

At Family Action, we are committed to embedding co-production within the work we do to support families. Co-production aims to…

Ben’s story: The impact of being a young carer

For many of us, childhood is a carefree time where we feel supported by our parents and able to dedicate…

Laura, Pandemic Preggo’s story: Maternal Mental Health and the road to recovery

Laura, author of the Pandemic Preggo blog, talks to us about her experiences of having a baby during the pandemic…

Pregnancy and birth during lockdown

For many of us across the UK, the entire experience of parenthood has been shaped by the Coronavirus and the…

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month: Top Tips

It’s Maternal Mental Health Month which aims to raise awareness of the challenges that can arise for parents in the…

Gill’s story: how FamilyLine made a difference during the pandemic

Our Family Resilience report with LV= General Insurance shows that despite numerous lockdowns, most families feel they now have stronger…

Top tips for teenagers stuck at home

Many people – ourselves included – have focused on making home-schooling work during the recent lockdown, but we might risk…

Practical back to school tips for families with teenagers

Teenagers have not had it easy over the past year. Between lockdowns and isolation measures, their experience of school –…

Looking after your mental health during the pandemic podcast

In this episode, we speak our community mental health service BAND about the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on the…

The “lifejacket approach” to tensions at home

The past year’s events have seen families across the UK spending more time around the house and the current lockdown’s…

Tackling complex feelings about going back to school

There are many practical considerations when helping our children transition back to school – particularly after a long summer break…

Karin’s story: A tale of two lockdowns

Most of us will have heard someone describe the past year as resembling “groundhog day”, with each day feeling much…

The positive impacts of allotments on mental and physical health

It’s not just a case of us looking after our allotments – during lockdown it’s become clear that allotments have…

Nicola’s story: how Family Action’s grant helped my daughter and I

COIVD-19’s impact on the nation’s health, economy and schools has been dramatic and far-reaching but, in many respects, the effects…

Worrying about employment in the post-COVID world

The Government’s furlough scheme that it introduced in response to COVID-19 is unprecedented and has kept many families from severe…

Mick’s story: my mental health journey

Our service, BAND has been supporting people with experience of a mental health condition for over 30 years. One man, Mick, has…

Report out: Our response to the COVID-19 challenge

Our Chief Executive, David Holmes, CBE and Chair of Trustees, Mary Fulton introduce a report on our response to the…

Preparing your children to return to school 

Deputy Headteacher of Clapham Manor Primary School, Iona Mumby, shares her passion, knowledge and advice about preparing your children to…

Young Carer Maggie – looking after her family during COVID-19

Maggie Brooks an extraordinary individual with an astonishing story to tell, at only 12 years old. Read on to find…

Creative writing tips to help support your mental health and wellbeing

Writing and getting creative is a great way to support our mental health and wellbeing, but where do you begin?…

Joshua’s story: how having a mentor turned my life around

During this period of physical distancing, staying connected to each other is more important than ever. That’s why our services are…

Mohbub’s story: Receiving a COVID-19 grant

We knew from the moment COVID-19 hit the news headlines that families of all kinds across the country would be…

How to declutter your home without feeling overwhelmed

Our Bolton based Community Mental Health Service, BAND advises on how decluttering your house can help maintain a clearer headspace…

10 free acts of kindness

Our Bolton based Community Mental Health Service, BAND shares 10 free acts of kindness that can help us all feel…

Siobhaun’s story: my journey from volunteering to employment

Flourishing Babies, Perinatal Support Worker, Siobhaun shares how her volunteer experience led her to the role, and how rewarding she’s…

How to manage family tensions whilst self isolating together

While many of us love spending quality time with our family, being on lockdown means we can’t do the things…

Learning at home with your children during the COVID-19 outbreak

Long periods of school absence can fill many parents with nagging doubts about the effect on their children’s wellbeing and…

Jan’s story: how I supported my partner’s Mental Health journey

One of our Senior Behaviour Outreach Support Workers, Jan, opens up about her feelings around supporting her partner’s Mental Health…

FamilyLine – the conversation continues

It’s been one year since our vital helpline service FamilyLine opened its virtual doors to families across the nation. Since…

Choosing Christmas trees with HRH The Duchess of Cambridge

Following the announcement that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge will become our new Royal Patron, The Duchess joined…

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge becomes our Royal Patron

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and everyone at Family Action, I am delighted to announce that Her Royal…

Tobin’s story: how my new job welcomed me and my mental health monster

Project Manager Tobin, shares his experience with his mental health family monster, as the last blog in our series promoting…

Alex’s top tips for talking about Mental Health

Family Action’s Fundraising Officer Alex, shares her experience and tips around her mental health family monster, as part of our…

Launching the ESCAPE Discovery Garden

Project leader Rhonda, discusses what starting up the ESCAPE Discovery Garden has been like. I took receipt of the ESCAPE…

Catherine’s story: how I faced depression and my mental health family monsters

Family Action Learning and Development Coordinator, Catherine shares her mental health family monster as part of our series of blogs…

Leah’s story: how I managed my mental health family monster and my job

Administrator, Leah shares her own mental health family monster as part of our series of blogs celebrating Family Action’s commitment…

Fiona’s story: my mental health family monster and work

Early Years Coordinator, Fiona shares her own personal mental health experience as part of our series of blogs celebrating Family…

We’re officially 150 years old!

Today we’re celebrating our official 150 year anniversary read on to hear from our Chief Executive, David Holmes, CBE, about…

A Mum’s story: the helping hand I needed

A mother of three shares how she has managed her family pressures and how our Perinatal Support service gave her…

A daughter’s story: my number one mum – mental illness and all…

A daughter shares her experience of having a bipolar mum who is still her number one It’s a funny thing,…