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Children and families

Should you hold a party for a one-year-old?

When you work with young families for long enough there are certain conversations you hear again and again. Here our Perinatal…

Volunteer befriender helps young carer Drew take to the stage

As a young carer, looking after a parent or sibling can seem like a full-time job, and it can be…

Becoming a foster dad and helping other families

Our services are often based within their local communities, and our volunteers bring all of themselves to their roles. Here…

A picture-perfect childhood: reframed

For many parents, the time around pre-school is filled with positive memories, new friends and rewarding interactions with our children…

Facing the waves – a story about family and memory

Our Making Happy Memories summer campaign is all about discussing the benefits of time spent together, and the resilience that…

Memory and childhood – small is powerful

We believe in the power of memory – it’s what our Make Happy Memories campaign is all about. If you’re wondering…

Shannon’s story: how perinatal support transformed our family

Family Action works closely with thousands of families across the country, and that means we know a secret. We know that…

Funding awarded to Family Action for PAC-UK to expand FamilyConnect  

FamilyConnect is an informative website first launched by Family Action in 2020, with support from Julia Feast OBE and UCL’s…

155 years on – Family Life in the UK and the role of Family Action

Family Action is always looking to innovate and push forward with practical support that’s relevant to the times we live…

What family means to me – Jake Graf 

Last month Family Action was lucky enough to have Jake and Hannah Graf join us as part of our LGBT+…

How we change with families

If you’re browsing the magazine aisle this month, pick up the March edition of Good Housekeeping and you’ll find an…

Celebrating 5 years of FamilyLine  

Five years on from when our Royal Patron, HRH The Princess of Wales, launched our free helpline for families, we…

Family Action Chief Executive, David Holmes CBE, Knighted in The New Year’s Honours List

Today’s New Year’s Honours List announces that Family Action Chief Executive, David Holmes CBE will receive a knighthood in recognition…

A New Year’s message from our CEO David Holmes

I hope the festive season has been an opportunity to press pause and reset after what feels like another challenging…

The challenges facing families this Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving. So how does it feel when we just can’t give? For too many of us…

Rebecca’s story: my experience mentoring a young person

Growing up and leaving care can be difficult without many of the family and friend networks many of us take…
london challenge poverty week

We asked Wandsworth, how can we best challenge poverty?

Challenge Poverty Week England & Wales is an opportunity for us all to say what needs to change to enable…

Sadie’s story: how Adopteens empowered me

To mark National Adoption Week, we are shining a light on a unique service. Adopteens was developed in Yorkshire and…
mother son at home

The hardest, and greatest year of my life – a story about adoption

Our PAC-UK service supports adoptive and special guardianship families with many aspects of their family lives and we often get…

Response to the Education Committee Report on persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils

Family Action welcomes the spotlight the Education Committee’s report casts on the issues of persistent absence and support for disadvantaged…

Children England set to close

We are saddened to see the announcement today of the closure of Children England later this year. Children England is…

Over 350k children get their morning off to a better start with the National School Breakfast Programme

The National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), delivered by Family Action and funded by the Department for Education, is supporting over 350,000…

More support needed for children with special educational needs. Our response to the Government

Family Action welcomes the acknowledgement from Government that we need a better system that builds capacity for children and families…

How we’re helping families to Make Happy Memories this summer

Summer can be a challenge for families and our recent poll highlighted that families across the country struggle with the…

Bailey and Ava’s story: making the most of summer as a young carer

For young people caring for a loved one or family member, the summer holidays can be a difficult time, balancing…

Tips to beat the summer struggle

Our social prescribing services work with families to help them navigate the support that’s available in and around their communities. For…

Phillipa’s story: how FOOD Clubs helped my family

Worries about the cost of summer are widespread and, thanks to the cost of living crisis, having a job is…

Dads speak out about summer stresses, struggles and joys

Summer is a time when work responsibilities must be juggled with childcare, family life and spending time together. We caught…

FOOD Clubs – a lifeline for my family

Raising a family isn’t cheap, and costs can spiral during the summer when the safety net of school is removed…

Noor’s story: How a Health and Wellbeing project supported me as a single parent

Looking after a child as a single parent is a difficult task, but it’s made much harder when you’re struggling…

Over three-quarters of parents worry about summer activity costs

Long days, warm weather and time with our families – Summer can sound idyllic. Our new research shows that for…

Annabel’s story: how Friendship Works supported my children

It’s not always easy for families to find the time or the money to ensure their children have a varied…

Rachel’s story: finding strength and healing after traumatic birth

Conversations about pregnancy and motherhood are often had with the benefit of hindsight. If many of us responded truthfully and free…

Susan’s story: my amazing son, my young carer 

After years of caring for others, it can be hard to come to terms with accepting care yourself, especially from…

How we’re supporting families in poverty in Birmingham 

Family Action works in Birmingham’s Ladywood and Hodge Hill, the two parliamentary constituencies with the highest child poverty rates in…

Joanna’s story: how FamilyLine helped me and my children without stigma

Every year since it first launched this time four years ago our FamilyLine service supports thousands of families nationwide with…

Katt’s story: finding the right SEND support at school

Every child is different, but each one has to fit into a school curriculum created with millions of children in…

Lucy’s Story: My Son’s Autism Diagnosis

The time surrounding a diagnosis of Autism can be  challenging  for families and bring up all sorts of emotions for…

The National School Breakfast Programme is now supporting 2500 schools

The National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), funded by the Department for Education and delivered by Family Action, has reached its recruitment…

Jo’s story: my experience as a birth mother finding their adopted child

Our Family Action adoption support agency, PAC-UK, provides specialist support to all parties affected by adoption and permanency. Each year,…

Hazel’s story: how our SENDIASS staff empower families

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Services, or SENDIAS services, are a vital part of the picture…

Hayley’s Story: How SENDIAS Services Helped Me and My Son

Parents of children who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) often find that there are periods of great upheaval…

Robbie’s Story: how SEND support helped me and my family

Family Action’s services working with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) know there is no such thing as a “typical”…

The Westminster Foundation appoints Family Action CEO to Board of Trustees

The Westminster Foundation has announced Family Action CEO, David Holmes CBE, will join its Board of Trustees. The Westminster Foundation…

Sadie and Melissa’s story: supporting communities through Social Prescribing

Our Social Prescribing services sit at the heart of their communities and prevent hundreds from feeling isolated.  Here, to celebrate…

What would our founder Octavia Hill think of Family Action today?

Today is International Women’s Day, which recognises the vast societal, cultural and political contribution women make across the globe. To mark…

Response to the Government’s SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan

The Government states that their SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan will provide children and young people across England, with…

Why is reading important for young people? with Phil Earle

Family Action directly supports young people who have experienced trauma and survived challenges that many adults would find it hard…

2022 and how we’re helping families in 2023

Family Action Chief Executive David Holmes CBE looks forward to 2023, while also considering how far we’ve come to get…

A Peterborough Preschool Nativity Play

Adorable angels, dynamic donkeys and super singing stars: we document our Peterborough services’ 2022 community Nativity show.   Hundreds braved sub-zero…

James’ story: how volunteering keeps me in touch with my community

One Family Action volunteer explains why he thinks more men should get involved and explains how doing so has improved…

Robina’s story: how a Family Action Grant gave me safety and stability

Hopefully most people reading these words will do so in an environment where they feel safe; where they are respected…

Elliot’s story: how a Family Action grant eased life’s stresses during a challenging time

If the events of recent years have taught us anything it’s that life is unpredictable and can bring its share…

Dianne’s story: how my volunteering is making a real difference

Family Support Volunteer Dianne shares what she finds so rewarding about helping families through struggling times. Our volunteers have one…

Easy Christmas crafting ideas for your family

With our partner Fisher-Price™ Play Lab, we have been looking at how play and spending time together can help with…

Baby Sensory Activities at Christmas with Fisher-Price™ Play Lab

Through our partnership with Fisher-Price™ Play Lab we have been sharing how different types of play helps early years child…

Janet’s Story: how the Toy Appeal helped my family

This Christmas will be the toughest some of us will have ever known. Here parent Janet explains why Family Action’s…

Kayleigh’s story: how the Toy Appeal helped my son

There is no “typical” family that receives assistance from our Toy Appeal and, as this story by Kayleigh shows, there…

Why magic is needed this Christmas more than ever

As we launch our annual Make Theirs Magic Christmas campaign, we share our new research and outline how we’re supporting…

11 helpful ways to manage your cost of living

Our FamilyLine service share top tips intended to ease the burden of the increased cost of living. FamilyLine staff speak…

How the cost of living crisis is impacting families

With the current cost of living crisis following hot on the heels of the COVID pandemic, many families are struggling…

Kayla’s story: finding my voice as a Young Carer

Kayla is an 11-year old young carer living in London with her mum and brother. She helps look after her…

The forgotten voices of birth families

Our PAC-UK adoption support service is the largest independent agency in the country and supports all those impacted by adoption.…

Rosie’s story: pregnancy, my mental health and beyond

A young mother explains how we supported her with her mental health during pregnancy and beyond.  This week sees the…

Emma’s story: Getting the emotional support I needed

Our Children’s Centres are vital to the communities they serve, offering a friendly space where families can raise their concerns…

How we’re helping families thrive in an uncertain time

Our new impact report outlines how both our charity and the people we support have adapted to uncertain times.   In…

Types of play and how they help children develop

When talking about nutrition we often speak of a balanced diet – with the idea being that the various foods…

The role of adults in supporting children’s play

We break down the roles adults take on during children’s play and provide tips on how you can get involved …

Sam’s Story: How embracing boredom is helping my kids’ playtime

We’ve produced a range of activities for parents and carers this summer that allow you to get creative, encourage play…

How can food play help child development?

Here, Family Action Early Years Manager, Karen Woodcock shares key benefits of playing with food on your child’s development. Find…

How does modelling dough support child development?

Here, Family Action Early Years Manager, Karen Woodcock shares key benefits of modelling dough on your child’s development. Find out…

The Power of Play

We introduce our Play Programme and explain why play is a powerful tool for promoting wellbeing, learning and family togetherness. …

Getting ready for your child’s first day at school

Here we address some common worries about a child’s first day at school and suggest ways to tackle them through…

How to use play to prepare for the first day of school

We discuss how to playfully prepare your child to attend school for the first time. We get it. Your child…

How does water play support child development?

Today, Family Action Early Years Manager, Karen Woodcock shares key benefits of water play on your child’s development. Find out…

Water Play Ideas for Children: Muddy Puddles

We’re sharing simple and fun water play ideas to support your child’s development.  Find out more about water play helps…

Play In Nature Ideas for Children: Scavenger Hunt

An outdoor scavenger hunt is one of the many ways your children can play in nature, get fresh air and…

How can nature help your child’s development?

Here, Family Action Early Years Manager shares three key ways playing in nature can support your child’s development. Find out…

Award-winning Family Action Garden finds its final home

Family Action’s Royal Horticultural Society award-winning garden has been relocated to a women’s mental health unit where it will continue…

Family Action Play Activity – Food

Fill your bellies and your day with this handy guide showing you how to involve food in your child’s play.…

Mud and Sand Ideas for Children: Digging with Tools and Toys

You can play with mud and sand as a digging activity. We’re sharing tips on digging with toys and tools…

Mud and Sand Ideas for Children: Outdoor Kitchen

You can play with mud and sand as a kind of mock kitchen. Watch our video for tips on setting…

3 ways playing with mud and sand helps your child’s development

Did you know that playing with mud and sand has huge benefits for your child’s development? Here Family Action Early…

Junk Modelling Ideas for Children: Painting

Junk modelling is the process of creating arts and crafts out of recyclable household materials. It is a great way…

Junk Modelling Ideas for Children: Creating Structures

Junk modelling is the process of creating arts and crafts out of recyclable household materials. It is a great way…

3 ways junk modelling supports child development

Family Action Early Years Manager shares three key ways junk modelling can help your child’s development. Find out more about Creating…

How to embrace risk and mess when playing with children

Many parents struggle to let go and play with children because of the mess and potential risk child-led play can…

How to make time for play

Modern life often leaves us little time to play. Here’s how to squeeze it in.   While our current campaign is…

How to set up an environment for play

Want to set up the perfect play space? We’ve got you covered.  There’s a lot of pressure on parents and…

How to play well with your child

Some people make playing look easy. Learn how to be one of them here.  It seems so simple, doesn’t it?…

New play-based learning activities for a summer of happy family memories

We’ve put together a range of practical play-based learning activities for 0–5-year-olds that are approved by our experts, and are…

The developmental milestones in your baby’s first year

We share advice and research on early years development and suitable play-based learning activities for babies in their first year.…

Family play activity – junk modelling

Sometimes you can build a compelling day of play around what we usually throw away. Find out more about junk…

Simple ideas to encourage everyday play

Try these suggestions for how to integrate play into a variety of household tasks. In general, our play programme dives…

Family play activity – modelling dough

This simple guide provides you a bunch of handy tips designed to get you rolling up your sleeves and getting…

Family play activity – water play

Build a day of wonderous water play using this handy guide full of useful tips. What is it? Available to…

Are you the FUN or UNFUN one in your family?

When we think about our own childhoods many of us remember a family member as being the go-to individual for…

Why play is helping your child to develop and thrive

We all want our children to be happy and settled as they move from home or pre-school settings into school…

How play helps your child’s development

We spoke with play experts, Dr. Lisa Lohiser and Dr. Corinne Eggleston from our partner Fisher-Price™ Play Lab to understand more…

Family Play Activity – Nature

This handy guide is packed full of simple tips to make the most of a play session in nature. What…

Family play activity – mud and sand

This quick guide gives you all the information you need to build a day of messy, and glorious, play using…

How play helps bring families closer and creates happy memories

We explore how play helps to bring families closer and create happy memories.   Take a minute to think about your…

How play helps us with wellbeing

Here we discuss the positive benefits of play for children and grown-ups alike.   This summer we are exploring the power…

Jess’ Story: How a perinatal support group helped me after pregnancy

Raising a family is a beautiful, rewarding experience… most of the time.  Family Action’s perinatal support services, however, know that…

Safeguarding young people – a new resource for professionals

As professionals working with children and young people it can sometimes be difficult to keep track of the safeguarding requirements…

Ella’s story: My daughter’s autism diagnosis and the battle for support

In response to the Government’s recently published SEND and Alternative Improvement Plan and to mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week (13th – 19th March 2023) we…

National School Breakfast Programme welcomes Minister for Children and Families, Will Quince

Will Quince MP joined pupils at Loughborough Primary School to find out more about our National School Breakfast Programme which…

Peggy’s story: Why I’m not a fan of Mother’s Day

Many of us will see Mother’s Day in a positive light, as it allows us to celebrate the important women…

An Interview with Helen Rutter: Making young carer Archie the hero of her story

As a charity running services supporting young carers nationwide, we’re always interested when art or culture reflects the experiences of…

Mel’s story: Proud to be a single parent

If there’s one thing parents can all agree on it’s that parenthood can be very difficult at times, so when…

Joshua’s story: Joining a young carers support group changed my life 

There are many challenges young carers face, one of the biggest being that they often go unseen, as the adults…

How to avoid burnout as a parent and partner

In the approach to Mother’s Day we’ve been considering the support we offer to new mothers through our services and…

Practical cost of living tips for families

Barely a day goes by at the moment without the news or somebody we know mentioning the squeeze caused by…

5 simple ways you can support your child’s mental health

This week is children’s mental health week – which is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges our…

How FamilyLine helps you feel less alone

To coincide with the 3yr anniversary of FamilyLine we looked at key numbers which have defined our FamilyLine service’s first…

Dorset SENDIAS service joins Family Action

Family Action is delighted to have been awarded SENDIAS service for Dorset and we look forward to continuing to work…

Family mediation – what it is and when it matters for your family

This week is Family Mediation week – a yearly event where organisations highlight the benefits of mediation for separating couples.…

Save money and get crafty this Christmas  

There’s something truly special about the act of giving and sharing at this time of the year, something we’ve highlighted…

Coping with grief at Christmas

We want all families to enjoy the festive season and create magical memories they treasure, but we can’t ignore that…

Katie’s story: How the Toy Appeal helped me

Generous individuals who donate to our Toy Appeal make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of children and…

How to manage expectations of children at Christmas

No family is an island and children are exposed to a range of views about what Christmas should mean to…
Three sisters playing a board game at a table during Christmas

Why Family Action is focusing on Christmas traditions for families this year

It’s ironic, but this Christmas we’re doing something different by focusing on things that stay the same. We are exploring the comfort Christmas can…
Teenage girl looking at her phone and smiling. There are Christmas lights dimly

How to connect with teenagers this Christmas

When talking to families about their thoughts and feelings about the upcoming festive season, we spoke to a number of parents who were concerned about engaging their teenage children in…
A Family Action FOOD Club volunteer smiling and holding a basket of food

Karen’s story: A passion for volunteering with food

Our Food on our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs are popular with their members for good reason as they provide good quality food for…

We’ve won Charity of the Year at the Third Sector Awards

We’re incredibly honoured to have won Charity of the Year at this year’s Third Sector Awards. Amazing recognition for our…

The University of Essex and Family Action project highlight families’ needs at the front line of COVID-19

The unprecedented year we’ve had has affected us all, and families have seen their limits tested. Our Impact and Influencing Manager,…

Your back to school questions answered

Although the return to school is often keenly anticipated by parents exhausted by entertaining children and negotiating with teenagers, it’s also a…

Back to school anxiety – what to look for and how to help

Returning to school after the holidays is an exciting time for many, but it can also generate a lot of…

Family Action LIVE: Back to school, food and families

Recently we welcomed Gill Kelsall, Food and Nutrition Officer across many of our food services, for an Instagram Live discussion…

A guide for the anxious parents of children starting school for the first time 

You’ve got to feel for those youngsters moving on from pre-schools, nurseries and homes in September and into school. Not only have they had…

Win a butterfly garden kit courtesy of Insect Lore

Win a butterfly garden kit courtesy of Insect Lore and get Creating Happy Memories with your children this summer! All you have to…

Podcast: Recommendations to practitioners for recording care records

Miriam Antcliffe, Research and Development Officer at Research in Practice, speaks to John-george and Darren* who share their personal stories…

Podcast: Accessing your care records

Miriam Antcliffe, Research and Development Officer at Research in Practice, speaks to John-george and Darren* who share their personal stories…

Win a day out creating happy memories with Red Letter Days

Win a Family Days Out Experience courtesy of Red Letter Days and get Creating Happy Memories this summer! All you have to…

Joe’s story: Preparing food… while preparing for the future

Our Creating Happy Memories campaign is all about creating positive new experiences after a difficult year and looking forward to the future. …

Sam’s story: Why my happiest memories are made around my kitchen table

After a year largely spent indoors many of us are making plans for the summer and rediscovering the things we’ve…

Elizabeth’s story: my continuing journey as a foundling

When Elizabeth began her journey to discover her background as a foundling – a child discovered with no identifying documents…

Anne’s story: Securing a school place for a child with Autism during COVID-19

Our Creating Happy Memories campaign focuses on celebrating the resilience we’ve all shown over the past year or so and…

Co-production: ways we involve our service users in the work that we do

At Family Action, we are committed to embedding co-production within the work we do to support families. Co-production aims to…

Bingo! Win a day out creating happy memories with Red Letter Days

Win a Family Days Out Experience experience courtesy of Red Letter Days and kick off your summer with some family…

Claudette’s story: How school and our BOSS service supported my family in lockdown

Our Creating Happy Memories campaign is currently celebrating the fresh start we’ve all been given now that lockdown is ending,…

Recognising Pride at Family Action

June is Pride Month – an annual celebration of pride for LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, plus)…

Jay’s story: How my family began thriving after lockdown

Our Creating Happy Memories campaign is all about highlighting the resilience and support our families provide for all of us,…

Supporting LGBTQIA+ adoptive parents along the “rocky road” of adoption

We are all exposed to a range of messages and beliefs about adoption, diversity, equality, homophobia and racism throughout our…

Creating Happy Memories this summer

With summer on our doorstep, at Family Action we’re committed to helping families move on from a difficult year and…

Ben’s story: The impact of being a young carer

For many of us, childhood is a carefree time where we feel supported by our parents and able to dedicate…

Rakesh’s story: Enthusiastic about volunteering… and food!

Our Family Action FOOD Clubs are more than just a means to ensure families can access quality food at a discount…

Fiona’s story: volunteering with FamilyLine

Our FamilyLine service offers the opportunity for callers to receive emotional and practical support, and we’re used to hearing about the positive…

Pregnancy and birth during lockdown

For many of us across the UK, the entire experience of parenthood has been shaped by the Coronavirus and the…

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month: Top Tips

It’s Maternal Mental Health Month which aims to raise awareness of the challenges that can arise for parents in the…

Family Action Young Carers Services

Caring for a parent or loved one can be tough, especially when you’re a child. Too often these amazing young…

Developing life skills through cooking

Our Cookalong4Families programme, which runs as part of Family Action’s Holiday Hub clubs, gives young people and their families the chance to cook and eat…

Gill’s story: how FamilyLine made a difference during the pandemic

Our Family Resilience report with LV= General Insurance shows that despite numerous lockdowns, most families feel they now have stronger…

Helen’s story: managing mental health during the pandemic

Our Family Resilience report shows nearly four in ten people say the pandemic has had a negative effect on their…

A story about pre and post pregnancy, resilience, and a very special space online

As restrictions loosen and our lives once again return to something approaching normality it’s easy to look back over the…

Tanya’s story: struggling with relationships and other family pressures

Our Family Resilience report shows two in five parents say they have built stronger relationships with their children during the…

Heather’s Story: eating together as a family as lockdown restrictions ease

With the children back at school and with further changes to lockdown restrictions planned for the next few weeks, there is lots of talk…
Easter Eggs in a box

How Easter egg decorations brightened up my childhood

Every family celebrates Easter in their own way, but for mum Karin, it always reminds her of childhood in the…

David’s story: how cooking with his son brought his family closer together

Food has a way of connecting people and is often the focus of family or cultural celebrations like birthdays. Despite…

Danielle’s story: looking after a new baby as a single mother

Over the past year families have found themselves cut off from support networks of friends and family to differing degrees.…

Sarah-Jayne’s story: “Exhausting, relentless… and totally worth it” – a true tale of motherhood

Sarah-Jayne says she has always been a driven person, with a focus on the future that has led to an…

Top tips for teenagers stuck at home

Many people – ourselves included – have focused on making home-schooling work during the recent lockdown, but we might risk…

Practical back to school tips for families with teenagers

Teenagers have not had it easy over the past year. Between lockdowns and isolation measures, their experience of school –…

The “lifejacket approach” to tensions at home

The past year’s events have seen families across the UK spending more time around the house and the current lockdown’s…

Tackling complex feelings about going back to school

There are many practical considerations when helping our children transition back to school – particularly after a long summer break…

Karin’s story: A tale of two lockdowns

Most of us will have heard someone describe the past year as resembling “groundhog day”, with each day feeling much…

Ten top homeschooling tips for parents of younger children 

After the positive response from our homeschooling tips for teenagers’ article we thought it was useful to ensure that we covered younger children too… and once again our Behaviour…

Michael’s story: how being close to nature keeps me positive in lockdown

With more time spent in and around our homes and gardens this year it’s not surprising many of us have…

Ten top home learning tips for parents of teenagers

Homeschooling is tough! Not only do we have to ensure our children continue to learn and thrive – we also…

Mother’s Day – Competition, In Partnership with Red Letter Days

We have partnered with Red Letter Days to recognise all the mums, grans, aunties and carers who have gone above…

Flipping Family Fun For Pancake Day

Are you and you’re family looking for some Pancake Day inspiration? Read our handy recipes and ideas to get your…

Dan, The Breaking Dad’s story: managing lockdown over two households as a blended family

Daniel Betts, Dad blogger, @The_Breaking_Dad tells us his experience and top tips for managing as a two-household blended family, during…

Ed’s story: how cooking during lockdown has brought my family closer

Eating well and remaining enthusiastic about meals has become more important than ever over the past year and has inspired families…

Nikki’s story: rediscovering the joy of baking

Nikki, mum to four children and also to one ‘absolutely perfect’ granddaughter, tells us how baking at home helps her…

Charlie’s story: how a Survival Fund grant made a difference

Since the pandemic began many already struggling families are in need of support, now more than ever. Find out how one…

Michelle’s story: how Family Action’s FOOD Clubs inspired my family

When Michelle took up her post as Family Action’s Deputy Director of Services and Innovation National Services, she knew what excited her…

How can we support your family in 2021?

We want to hear from families! Tell us what you would like to see more of from us in the…

Delivering a nativity to remember with our Peterborough Pre-Schools despite a difficult year

Children from Family Action’s seven pre-schools have taken part in a nativity show for the past six years. However, this year the traditional performance would be impossible. Here our…

Getting ready for Christmas with our Southend Children’s Centre podcast

In this episode we catch up with our South End Children’s Centre, Mum and Baby group, to find out what…

Lucy’s story: how the Toy Appeal makes our Christmas magic

Family Action’s Toy Appeal brings joy into the lives of thousands of children across the country each Christmas. Yet, despite the huge number…

Why cooking and eating together is important

With more of us cooking and eating at home in recent months, here Sharon Robinson, Family Action’s Food On Our…

Thrifty tips for using Christmas leftovers and crafting budget-friendly presents

Christmas and delicious food go hand in hand – but often luxurious treats can stretch our budgets as well as…

Volunteering at our FOOD clubs this Christmas 

Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs provide low cost, healthy and sustainable food for families on a budget who are at risk of food insecurity. The valuable work of our FOOD clubs is only…

Counting the cost – ways to save money during an unusual Christmas

The end of the year is traditionally a time when we sit and reflect on the year that’s been, and…

Dan, The Breaking Dad’s story: making Christmas magic as a single parent

We hear from Dan Betts, creator of the Instagram page @The_Breaking_Dad, as well as, about his experience of Christmas as a single…

Managing family relationships during a COVID-19 Christmas 

Spending time with family at Christmas is magical but it can also put a strain on family relationships, this year…

Gemma’s story: how the Toy Appeal saved my family’s Christmas

Thanks to our Christmas Toy Appeal, children across the country will receive Christmas gifts they might not have had otherwise, as part of our aim to make this season…

Making Christmas magic this year

This is the first in a series of blogs where we will be counting down to Christmas with a mix…

Nicola’s story: how Family Action’s grant helped my daughter and I

COIVD-19’s impact on the nation’s health, economy and schools has been dramatic and far-reaching but, in many respects, the effects…

Celebrating World Food Day with our FOOD Clubs

Today it’s World Food Day, which offers us the chance to celebrate its theme of “food heroes”, who are helping…

Coronavirus – employee rights and how they affect you 

The economic and financial implications of COVID-19 have resulted in increased job insecurity across the country and, in some cases, unemployment. It’s a worrying time for…

Back to School with Clapham Manor podcast

In this episode we visit Clapham Manor Primary School and Nursery, to find out how students; Ezra, Romy, Riadore and…

Karen’s story: adopting my two daughters

Karen, a single mum of two, describes her journey to becoming an adoptive parent and explains how her daughters give…

How to reduce your family’s food waste

To mark the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste we asked John – dad of one, gardener…

Tips and tricks for perfect packed lunches 

It’s finally time for children and young people across the country to return to school – which for some families…

Back to school competition with Bacofoil®

Show us your child’s favourite packed lunch and be in with the chance of winning a Family Art Set and…

Inspiring brunch ideas from our Holiday Hub team

Now that many of us are starting to get back to school and work, we may reminisce about our family…

Report out: Our response to the COVID-19 challenge

Our Chief Executive, David Holmes, CBE and Chair of Trustees, Mary Fulton introduce a report on our response to the…

Back to school advice for parents of children with SEND

Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities experts, who work within Family Action services, have come together to provide a few points…

Preparing your children to return to school 

Deputy Headteacher of Clapham Manor Primary School, Iona Mumby, shares her passion, knowledge and advice about preparing your children to…

Back to school – low cost, high quality packed lunch inspiration with Bacofoil®

To help us support families preparing to go back to school, we have partnered with household favourite and kitchen helper,…

Fun ways to enjoy nature outside with your children

The summer holidays are great to enjoy some time with your children, but after a long period of lockdown and…

Money-saving tips for troubled times

We’ve spoken to a range of our experts from all over our organisation and come up with some handy money…

Summer Staycation Strategies

The summer holidays are here but with the national and global picture still uncertain and countries moving into and out…

Louise’s story: food, meal times and my family during lockdown

Louise, our National Food Services Operational Manager and mother to a teenager, shares her lockdown experience and the part food…

Hannah’s story: lockdown in perfect company 

We’ve been sharing stories regarding the little changes we’ve all made during lockdown which have had a positive effect on…

Young Carer Maggie – looking after her family during COVID-19

Maggie Brooks an extraordinary individual with an astonishing story to tell, at only 12 years old. Read on to find…

A new way to manage loneliness as a single parent

Read Zoë’s story as a single mum & founder of Frolo, one of the services we reccomend through our FamilyLine…

Sam’s story: my experience as a Young Carer

Caring for a parent or loved one can be tough, especially when you’re a child or a young person. Too…

Elizabeth’s story: my journey as an adoption foundling

Elizabeth, a foundling, opens up about her journey discovering her background, who she was and meeting her birth relatives for…

We’ve partnered with The Times Coronavirus Charity Appeal

We’ve partnered with The Times and The Sunday Times Emergency Coronavirus Appeal to support the thousands of vulnerable families we work…

Keeping active through challenging times

Our Active Families service based in Bishop Auckland in County Durham, share their top tips for keeping you and your…

Jo’s story: money, food and my family during the lockdown

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 and the resulting isolation measures have placed financial and emotional stress on families across society…

John-george’s story: tracing my records as a care leaver

Tracing records and family origins can be a daunting journey for adults who grew up in care. Here John-george shares…

Ideas to feed your family during the COVID-19 lockdown

Our National School Breakfast Programme, Project Support Officer and public health nutritionist, Gill understands the difficulties many families are facing…

Isolation ideas for your children from a pre-school professional

Since the government rolled out nationwide isolation measures to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic parents have found themselves much more involved…

How to enjoy the weekend during the COVID-19 outbreak

Modern life is built around the working week, with many of us dreaming of when Friday rolls around. However, due…

Julia’s story: my experience with adoption and how FamilyConnect will help fill the gaps

Julia Feast OBE, describes her experience working with care leavers and those impacted by adoption and how our new FamilyConnect…

How to manage family tensions whilst self isolating together

While many of us love spending quality time with our family, being on lockdown means we can’t do the things…

Learning at home with your children during the COVID-19 outbreak

Long periods of school absence can fill many parents with nagging doubts about the effect on their children’s wellbeing and…

FamilyLine – the conversation continues

It’s been one year since our vital helpline service FamilyLine opened its virtual doors to families across the nation. Since…

Emily’s story: when you’re having a Christmas baby…

Christmas is a special time for all families but for Emily the excitement is doubled by the prospect her baby…

How to survive Christmas as a single parent

Family Affairs and other matters blogger Lucy Campbell shares her thoughts and advice on surviving Christmas as a single parent.…

Ways to enjoy the outdoors with your family this Christmas 

Family can be a lot to cope with especially during the festive season but a brilliant way to let off…

Christmas traditions for you and your family 

Tradition is part of the fabric of Christmas and from the moment the lights go up and the adverts appear…

Amy’s story: volunteering as a mentor with Friendship Works at Christmas

Amy began volunteering with Family Action in the run up to last Christmas with our mentoring service Friendship Works. At…

Managing family tensions at Christmas 

Christmas is a time many of us look forward to for a variety of reasons.  It could be due to time off work, the promise…

How to bring Christmas to your kitchen this festive season 

Sweet treats and Christmas go hand in hand. You can make some rewarding recipes with little effort, some willing helpers…

Jane’s story: The challenge of living far away from ageing parents

Christmas is a time for coming together with family and loved ones but that can be hard as those close…

Sam’s Story: How a box of bright balloons was the best Christmas present ever

There’s a lot of pressure on parents to ensure Christmas is magical for their children, and many of us can…

Managing Children’s Expectations of Christmas 

No family is an island and children are exposed to a range of views about what Christmas should mean to…

Choosing Christmas trees with HRH The Duchess of Cambridge

Following the announcement that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge will become our new Royal Patron, The Duchess joined…

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge becomes our Royal Patron

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and everyone at Family Action, I am delighted to announce that Her Royal…

What we have lined up for ‘Families at Christmas’

Our Chief Executive David Holmes CBE introduces our festive blog series and talks about what we have in store for…

A thank you to our grandmas, grandpas, nans, grandads, grannies, and grandpops

Here at Family Action, we have a holistic approach to helping families – supporting every generation from babies, children and…

The impact of breakfast on learning in children

Dr Katie Adolphus, Dr Clare Lawton and Professor Louise Dye from the Human Appetite Research Unit at the University of…

Tanya’s story: an adoptee working in adoption

Tanya, a Project Worker with our Adopteens service, delivered by PAC-UK shares her own experience of being adopted and how…

The research behind our work supporting families facing pressures

Now that the school summer holidays are over and children are back at school, our Chief Executive David Holmes CBE talks…

Screen time? How much is too much?

If you’re not sure what’s best for your children when it comes to screen time, you’ve come to the right…

Carl’s story: how we tackle our communication family monsters

As part of our Family Monsters campaign, we’ve been discussing some of the challenges families face during the holidays – including finding…

Charlotte’s story: managing financial family monsters as a single mum

As part of our Family Monsters Project’s focus this summer holidays, we’ve been asking families about the everyday struggles that can surface…

On our best behaviour? 7 strategies to help siblings get along during the holidays

You’ve all been cooped up together in the house. You’re frazzled. You’ve had too much caffeine and too little sleep.…

How parents can save money during the school holidays

We have already seen how some of our very simple tips for working parents can save you money during what can often…

Recipes to keep your family fed and happy this summer. Part 2

Finding healthy meals to feed the family during the holidays can be challenging. Read more of our simple summer recipes…

Simple summer recipes that will keep your family fed and happy Part 1 

Coming up with a different meal every day that the whole family will enjoy can be a real challenge, especially…

Top 5 things to do before you hear “I’m bored” this summer! Part 2

Already having fun with your family this summer thanks to our first 5 fun tips? Make the most of the…

How to feed your children on a budget… and have fun with food this summer 

Our Holiday Hubs work with families across the UK to provide meals and opportunities for family bonding through eating, learning…

How to keep your children entertained this summer

Community Engagement and Volunteer Support Worker, Julie Pike from one of our Holiday Hub services, shares some tips to ease…

Top 5 things to do before you hear “I’m bored” this summer! Part 1

We know that being a parent can be difficult at times, especially when it comes to keeping children entertained during…

Top Tips for Working Parents

Being a parent or carer can sometimes feel like a full time job in its own right – especially during…

Abbey’s story: family life and the stresses of the work-life balance

Below is Abbey’s story about how her and her husband manage their work-life balance… it’s not always easy that’s for…

Gabrielle’s story: the difference I make as a mentor

Gabrielle is a volunteer mentor with our Friendship Works service. She writes about how her friendship with Crocell, her mentee,…

Crocell’s story: how having a friend and mentor helped me

Crocell, 16, writes about his friendship with his volunteer mentor, Gabrielle. Crocell was referred to our Friendship Works service in…

Amber Rudd visit’s NSBP school

MP Amber Rudd visits one of our National School Breakfast Programme’s schools to show her why it’s important that the…

A Dad’s story: family monsters and feeling like we don’t have enough time together

Father’s Day is here but it’s worth remembering that although being a parent is incredibly rewarding it can be hard…

How to manage exam pressure and your family monsters

We caught up with a group of young carers recently who shared with us their insight into juggling exam pressures…

Jade’s story: why it’s important to talk about your family monsters

Blogger, Jade shares her experience of caring for her niece and nephew as a Special Guardian and why it’s important…

Motivating students to eat a healthy breakfast

We look at how our National School Breakfast Programme and an Aston Villa footballer are inspiring secondary school students to…

Fiona’s story: my mental health family monster and work

Early Years Coordinator, Fiona shares her own personal mental health experience as part of our series of blogs celebrating Family…

Leaving the care system and having a mentor

One year ago, our Friendship Works service ran the first training weekend for Care Leaver Mentors.  David, one of the…

We’re officially 150 years old!

Today we’re celebrating our official 150 year anniversary read on to hear from our Chief Executive, David Holmes, CBE, about…

A daughter’s story: my number one mum – mental illness and all…

A daughter shares her experience of having a bipolar mum who is still her number one It’s a funny thing,…

A daughter’s story: when mum isn’t around

As Mother’s Day approaches a daughter who’s mum is sadly no longer around shares what the day means to her…

Our National School Breakfast Programme Hits 1775 Target!

We are delighted to say that the National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP) has reached the recruitment target of 1,775 schools…

Angela’s story: how a mum, tackled her family monsters

As part of the Family Monster Project we’re encouraging people to share their family pressures. Here’s the story of one Mum, Angela,…

FamilyLine a free out of hours helpline for families

FamilyLine is a free digital helpline service provided by Family Action, for anyone 18+.   FamilyLine was designed to offer…

Duchess of Cambridge launches FamilyLine

Duchess of Cambridge visits Family Action to launch FamilyLine and help get families talking about their pressures. Today the Duchess of…

Getting ready for the Duchess of Cambridge’s visit

Tomorrow the Duchess of Cambridge is visiting Family Action to launch our FamilyLine, a new confidential helpline for families. FamilyLine…

The school that… was popular right out of the gate

We look at how Wallington Primary Academy have been getting on as part of our National School Breakfast Programme, making sure…

The school that… was our breakfast programme’s first special school.

We speak to Bluebell Park school to find out how our National School Breakfast Programme has been adapted to work…

Why Dental Health Matters – The Tooth, and Nothing but the Tooth!

We find out more about how schools delivering breakfast, such as those we support under the National School Breakfast Programme,…

Family Christmas Tips

With 10 days to go until Christmas we share with you some top tips each day to try and make…

16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2018

On the 25th November, we recognised White Ribbon Day and international Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, as…

Children’s Minister Visits National School Breakfast Programme

One of our National School Breakfast schools had a very special visitor recently! Children and Families Minister Nadhim Zahawi, stopped…

Sarah-Louise’s Story: what mentoring means this National Mentoring Day

For National Mentoring Day on 27th October, Sarah-Louise, a volunteer mentor with our Friendship Works service, reflected on what mentoring…

Charlie Story: Volunteering in the 21st century

We hear from Charlie, a Volunteer Befriender with our National Parent Support Service discussing why she volunteers her time and…

Joshua’s story: A child in need of a mentor

Our London mentoring service, Friendship Works currently has 48 children in Lambeth and other London boroughs who are waiting for…

Back to School Time

It’s back to school time again and our London mentoring service, Friendship Works is looking at how this and other…

Samantha’s story: becoming a special guardian

Family Action support worker, Samantha discusses her own experience as a prospective special guardian and looks at the difference our…

The difference mentoring and friendship makes

Our London youth mentoring service, Friendship Works gears up to celebrate International Friendship Day and looks at the importance of…