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Real stories

Nicola’s story: how Family Action’s grant helped my daughter and I

COIVD-19’s impact on the nation’s health, economy and schools has been dramatic and far-reaching but, in many respects, the effects…

Worrying about employment in the post-COVID world

The Government’s furlough scheme that it introduced in response to COVID-19 is unprecedented and has kept many families from severe…

Back to School with Clapham Manor podcast

In this episode we visit Clapham Manor Primary School and Nursery, to find out how students; Ezra, Romy, Riadore and…

Karen’s story: adopting my two daughters

Karen, a single mum of two, describes her journey to becoming an adoptive parent and explains how her daughters give…

Mick’s story: my mental health journey

Our service, BAND has been supporting people with experience of a mental health condition for over 30 years. One man, Mick, has…

Louise’s story: food, meal times and my family during lockdown

Louise, our National Food Services Operational Manager and mother to a teenager, shares her lockdown experience and the part food…

Claire story: searching for my birth mum

Adoptee and blogger, Claire of How To Be Adopted shares her experience of searching and reuniting with birth family members,…

Lockdown… and beyond. A new perspective and way of living

COVID-19 has, without a doubt, changed the way we live – the way we socialise, shop, work (and workout).  However, despite…

Hannah’s story: lockdown in perfect company 

We’ve been sharing stories regarding the little changes we’ve all made during lockdown which have had a positive effect on…