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Parenting tips

5 simple ways you can support your child’s mental health

This week is children’s mental health week – which is a great opportunity to raise awareness of the challenges our…

Family mediation – what it is and when it matters for your family

This week is Family Mediation week – a yearly event where organisations highlight the benefits of mediation for separating couples.…

The Santa List as read by Kieran Crowley

Reading with our children is a great way of bonding with them over the holidays and this Christmas, it’s even…

Christmas stories to read with your children

Winter is here, and as the nights grow longer and colder what could be nicer than cuddling up with our children and reading a good book…

Family activity ideas to make the most of the Twixmas period 

For children the appeal of Christmas often focuses squarely on the 25th but for many of us parents the true joy of the…

Connecting with your family through food during the festive season

Few things evoke the festive season as much as food – whether that’s traditional turkey on Christmas day, the famous “Chestnuts roasting…

Virtual family Christmas activities to bring all ages together

As many of us are preparing for the Christmas holidays and time off from work it still feels like we live in uncertain times…

Jade’s story: Christmas stress, and how we manage it as a family

Our #MakeTheirsMagic Christmas calendar was designed to help families prioritise spending special moments together, regardless of their budget, the demands on their time or any family tensions they may…