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Our services

The National School Breakfast Programme is now supporting 2500 schools

The National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), funded by the Department for Education and delivered by Family Action, has reached its recruitment…

Jo’s story: my experience as a birth mother finding their adopted child

Our Family Action adoption support agency, PAC-UK, provides specialist support to all parties affected by adoption and permanency. Each year,…

Hazel’s story: how our SENDIASS staff empower families

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Services, or SENDIAS services, are a vital part of the picture…

Hayley’s Story: How SENDIAS Services Helped Me and My Son

Parents of children who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) often find that there are periods of great upheaval…

Jack’s story: why it’s important to listen to young carers

On Young Carers Action Day we’re shining the spotlight on these many amazing young people and highlighting how important it…

Robbie’s Story: how SEND support helped me and my family

Family Action’s services working with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) know there is no such thing as a “typical”…

Sadie and Melissa’s story: supporting communities through Social Prescribing

Our Social Prescribing services sit at the heart of their communities and prevent hundreds from feeling isolated.  Here, to celebrate…

Why is reading important for young people? with Phil Earle

Family Action directly supports young people who have experienced trauma and survived challenges that many adults would find it hard…

Gemma’s story: the difference our FOOD Clubs make

Among the many items available for parents at our Peterborough FOOD club is a set of shapes used for making…