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Delivering a nativity to remember with our Peterborough Pre-Schools despite a difficult year

Children from Family Action’s seven pre-schools have taken part in a nativity show for the past six years. However, this year the traditional performance would be impossible. Here our…

Why cooking and eating together is important

With more of us cooking and eating at home in recent months, here Sharon Robinson, Family Action’s Food On Our…

Gemma’s story: how the Toy Appeal saved my family’s Christmas

Thanks to our Christmas Toy Appeal, children across the country will receive Christmas gifts they might not have had otherwise, as part of our aim to make this season…

The positive impacts of allotments on mental and physical health

It’s not just a case of us looking after our allotments – during lockdown it’s become clear that allotments have…

Nicola’s story: how Family Action’s grant helped my daughter and I

COIVD-19’s impact on the nation’s health, economy and schools has been dramatic and far-reaching but, in many respects, the effects…

Celebrating World Food Day with our FOOD Clubs

Today it’s World Food Day, which offers us the chance to celebrate its theme of “food heroes”, who are helping…

Mick’s story: my mental health journey

Our service, BAND has been supporting people with experience of a mental health condition for over 30 years. One man, Mick, has…

Tips and tricks for perfect packed lunches 

It’s finally time for children and young people across the country to return to school – which for some families…

Inspiring brunch ideas from our Holiday Hub team

Now that many of us are starting to get back to school and work, we may reminisce about our family…