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Our services

Ben’s story: The impact of being a young carer

For many of us, childhood is a carefree time where we feel supported by our parents and able to dedicate…

Rakesh’s story: Enthusiastic about volunteering… and food!

Our Family Action FOOD Clubs are more than just a means to ensure families can access quality food at a discount…

Fiona’s story: volunteering with FamilyLine

Our FamilyLine service offers the opportunity for callers to receive emotional and practical support, and we’re used to hearing about the positive…

Family Action Young Carers Services

Caring for a parent or loved one can be tough, especially when you’re a child. Too often these amazing young…

Gill’s story: how FamilyLine made a difference during the pandemic

Our Family Resilience report with LV= General Insurance shows that despite numerous lockdowns, most families feel they now have stronger…

Helen’s story: managing mental health during the pandemic

Our Family Resilience report shows nearly four in ten people say the pandemic has had a negative effect on their…

Danielle’s story: looking after a new baby as a single mother

Over the past year families have found themselves cut off from support networks of friends and family to differing degrees.…

Looking after your mental health during the pandemic podcast

In this episode, we speak our community mental health service BAND about the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on the…

Michelle’s story: how Family Action’s FOOD Clubs inspired my family

When Michelle took up her post as Family Action’s Deputy Director of Services and Innovation National Services, she knew what excited her…