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london challenge poverty week

We asked Wandsworth, how can we best challenge poverty?

Challenge Poverty Week England & Wales is an opportunity for us all to say what needs to change to enable…

Response to the Education Committee Report on persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils

Family Action welcomes the spotlight the Education Committee’s report casts on the issues of persistent absence and support for disadvantaged…

Children England set to close

We are saddened to see the announcement today of the closure of Children England later this year. Children England is…

Over 350k children get their morning off to a better start with the National School Breakfast Programme

The National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), delivered by Family Action and funded by the Department for Education, is supporting over 350,000…

More support needed for children with special educational needs. Our response to the Government

Family Action welcomes the acknowledgement from Government that we need a better system that builds capacity for children and families…

How we’re helping families to Make Happy Memories this summer

Summer can be a challenge for families and our recent poll highlighted that families across the country struggle with the…

Remembering Helen Dent CBE

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our former Chief Executive, Helen Dent CBE. Helen led…

Dads speak out about summer stresses, struggles and joys

Summer is a time when work responsibilities must be juggled with childcare, family life and spending time together. We caught…

Over three-quarters of parents worry about summer activity costs

Long days, warm weather and time with our families – Summer can sound idyllic. Our new research shows that for…