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New play-based learning activities for a summer of happy family memories

14 July 2022

We’ve put together a range of practical play-based learning activities for 0–5-year-olds that are approved by our experts, and are available to any family, regardless of budget or location.

If you’ve read our blog or seen any social media from us over the past month or so you’ll know we’re big on play.

We’ve discussed the benefits for wellbeing and family bonding, as well as how it’s great for child development. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy, and it’s possible that you feel like the mother we spoke to below when were discussing the benefits of play with a group of parents recently.

She said: ‘I have two children, and the biggest challenge for me is time; being able to split my time between the two, and to find activities that will interest both of them.

“What would really help me is a list of ideas which link to particular development areas, and which we can do at home.

“This would help me to feel more confident that I’m making best use of the time I do have to play with them”.
Well, your wish is our command!

We’ve spoken with early years experts from across our broad range of services, as well as play experts at our campaign partner Fisher-Price™ Play Lab to craft a range of activities for parents and carers.

In every case we’ve aimed to ensure these are free or extremely cheap, can be done in practically any home or living situation and, most importantly, are beneficial for your child’s development.

Because that last point is so important, we also explain what the activity is helping to develop and why, and give you tips from our staff regarding how to make the most of your time… and how to make it a little easier for you.

Take a look at the activities here.

Family Action and Fisher-Price™ Play Lab
