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Inspiring brunch ideas from our Holiday Hub team

16 September 2020

Now that many of us are starting to get back to school and work, we may reminisce about our family brunch times, just like our Holiday Hub staff have been doing. Get inspired by their engaging brunch ideas below.

Nothing signals the start of the weekend or a holiday like a lazy brunch with the family. With the need to rush out the door to school or work removed we find time to cook as a team, to sit down together to eat, to chat about how the week’s gone, to make plans for the weekend – and to divide up the chores!

What’s more, as the temperatures start to drop, now’s the perfect time to try out some warming and tasty autumn brunch recipes with the family.

Our Holiday Hub staff work with families across the country, supporting them to create nutritious, easy meals which can be prepared as a family, so we asked them for a few of their personal favourites:

In my view nothing is better than crispy French (eggy) toast – it’s quick to make and very tasty… and a good way to use up that leftover bread.

My favourite brunch is definitely American style blueberry pancakes, with some extra fruit and with my new favourite yoghurt, mixed with a bit of honey. Delicious!

Boiled (dippy) egg and plenty of soldiers – toasted or not! These always remind me of my own childhood breakfasts around the kitchen table.

I would say that my favourite brunch has to be two poached eggs topped with streaky bacon, followed by natural yoghurt with strawberries or blueberries.

I like to mash up leftover potatoes and veg with an egg and a bit of flour to make small patties to shallow fry or grill. They’re very tasty, especially with a poached egg on top. 

Local specialities such as Staffordshire Oatcakes are fabulous for a Sunday – you can add your favourite topping (e.g. egg) for a filling and tasty brunch.

“Bling your yoghurt brunch” can be fun. You can invite the family to “bling” a bowl of yoghurt with their own choice of berries or chopped fruit, and top with a selection of seeds or a handful of cereal.

Anything on toast really mushrooms, tinned tomatoes, scrambled or poached eggs.

“Our Holiday Hub staff work with families across the country, supporting them to create nutritious, easy meals which can be prepared as a family.”

My mother in law has got me into porridge lately – served with blackberries collected from the park, or homemade apple puree… and not forgetting a big mug of tea (Yorkshire tea of course).

Cheese on toast, grilled until the cheese is bubbling, possibly with a slice of tomato on the top. Quick, easy to prepare and super tasty.

Pancakes are popular in our house. You need a bit of time of course but what’s more fun than taking it in turns to toss pancakes and choose the next filling – and you can always throw in a handful of blackberries.

It can be fun trying to recreate Sunday brunch meals and snacks that are popular in other countries. If you’ve got a lot of potatoes in the house you can parboil a few, grate and add some seasoning, spread out in a small tray, pop under the grill and enjoy Swiss Rösti for instance. It’s great with a poached egg or grated cheese on top. Try this recipe here.

We’d like to thank Meals & More for supporting Family Action’s Holiday Hub Brunch Club this summer, enabling children and their parents and carers to enjoy a tasty brunch together as a family. Here’s some tasty brunches that families have enjoyed this summer.

Holiday Hub

A Family Action service working to support families through holiday hunger.
