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Celebrating excellence

16 July 2018

Family Action Chair of Trustees,  Mary Fulton discusses our recent Staff Recognition Awards and looks at the dedication of our staff and volunteers across the organisation.

A room full of can do attitudes and a tangible commitment to excellence, mutual respect and people focus were all on display at Family Action’s recent Staff Recognition Awards.

The twice yearly awards acknowledge staff, full time, part time or volunteers, across all Family Action’s services who have made a distinct contribution to service users or to their colleagues – all of which helps to make a difference to the lives of those we support.

“instrumental in shaping our excellent reputation for professionalism, expertise and approachability”

Described as “instrumental in shaping our excellent reputation for professionalism, expertise and approachability,” the hard work and dedication of the award winners is clear to see. The underlying theme is of those who are willing to go above and beyond the job description.

Family Action has grown significantly over the past five years. Our staff numbers now top 750 staff with 450 volunteers so in total there are more than 1200 people working across the country. How staff work together and how they support our service users is what shapes and defines the organisation. Awards are important because they put a spotlight on achievement and help to encourage us all to go that bit further, to show that bit more leadership and to have that bit more understanding.The recent winners, and those of past years, stand out because they care and they are prepared to put our families and their colleagues first. It was clear from talking to many of the winners just how much pleasure they get from their work whether it be as a front line worker or as a an equally skilled worker in our head office. They look for solutions and not problems, they rise to challenges and they do not let complexities overwhelm them. It is this positive and proactive attitude that makes Family Action such an effective and respected charity.

It is inspiring to be part of an organisation that can demonstrate excellent work in such abundance and it was even better to have the opportunity to celebrate that work.

Mary Fulton

Chair of Trustees at Family Action


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