Our partnership with LV= General Insurance

LV= General Insurance and Family Action’s partnership aim’s to empower every adult family member to reach out when they need help and access practical and emotional support.

Partner overview

LV= General Insurance are a leading provider of insurance products. ​​LV= has long been involved in supporting local communities and has its green heart scheme, giving back to customers and its staff. ​

LV’s goals for partnering with Family Action are to: ​​

  • Raise awareness of FamilyLine, the charity’s free and confidential helpline service providing adult family members with support and guidance.​​
  • Provide funding to help FamilyLine grow and maintain its vital service.
  • Reduce stigma associated with asking for help, especially focusing on those less likely to reach out, so it becomes the norm.

We’re partnering with Family Action to help raise awareness of this fantastic cause and be the chance for everyone at LV= General Insurance to show their heart. For our family to make a difference to others

Rodney Assock
Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility Director, LV= General Insurance


Family Action offer partnerships with businesses with the aim to empower organisations like LV= General Insurance using their expertise, knowledge and networks to help give families the right support at the right time, through change, challenge or crisis.

Established in 2020, the partnership primarily focuses on empowering every family member to reach out when they need help and access practical and emotional support through the FamilyLine helpline.

By LV= publicly aligning with Family Action it shows that heart is at the centre of what they do and committed to supporting families

Strategic approach – LV’s and Family Action’s partnership deliverables:​​

  • To raise £1m during the first three years of the partnership​
  • Encourage LV= employee to use their volunteering hours as a FamilyLine Volunteer Befriender​​

In 2022, Family Action and LV= General Insurance partnership was recognised at the Charity Times Awards, receiving the Highly Commended award for Corporate National Partnership Champion. ​


LV’s support during the first three years of the partnership has ensured that FamilyLine has been there for 30,862 families. ​Our partnership has provided emotional support for those who were feeling lost and alone. It has been the listening ear to parents struggling with their children. It has meant that we can be there when a family is struggling and they don’t know where to turn next. It has even saved lives. ​

LV= staff have played a crucial role in raising awareness of FamilyLine and LV staff have volunteered, helping to reduce the waiting times for and meet the increase in demand when people needed it most. ​

Building on the success to date, LV= extended their support for a further year (to the end of 2024) and is on track to raise over £1.2m through a mixture of a corporate donation, employee fundraising and through its partners. ​​

In addition to supporting FamilyLine, employees from across LV= have collected over 3,500 toys for disadvantaged children as part of the Christmas Toy Appeal and volunteered nearly 1,000 hours through a mixture of projects. ​​

Partner Insight – for organisations considering a non-profit partnership, LV= offer this advice: ​​

  • Put your agreement down on paper. With a detailed contract in place there is no disruption in the partnership and both parties know the exact goals for the duration of the partnership.​​
  • Assign a dedicated partnership manager. This ensures regular communication, which is critical to both partners achieving goals and getting the most out of the partnership.​​
  • Raising money is important, but so is awareness. LV= are proud of the fact that in addition to raising money for Family Action, we have increased awareness of FamilyLine to our customers, staff and partners.​

Get in touch

A partnership with Family Action demonstrates your company’s commitment to supporting families.

Each mutually beneficial partnership involves a financial contribution so we can support families however they need it. So whether you are looking to run a brand campaign, want to donate a percentage of your sales, choose us as your charity of the year, take part in our Toy Appeal or develop a new project, please email [email protected].

Email us