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Run for Family Action!

If you have secured a ballot place to run the London Marathon in 2025, we’d love your support to help families across the country.
We will supply you with:

* Support and regular updates from our team, with the latest event news, training and fundraising tips. We’re always just a call or email away if you have any questions.
* A Family Action fundraising pack to support you in your fundraising.
* A Family Action running vest to be worn on the big day.
* Support from our cheer station on Marathon day to give you a boost on your way to the finish

Sign up for 2025!

Join us for 2025, tick it off your bucket list and raise crucial funds to support children and families! From the mum in Kent suffering from postnatal depression, the dad in Birmingham struggling to find the right support for his autistic son, to the teenage boy in Durham who regularly misses school to care for his disabled mother – you could give families a listening ear, and the helping hand they need to manage the hard times.

Why choose to run with Team Family Action?

If you sign up to run The London Marathon with team Family Action, you’ll receive support from us from day one and all the way through to the big event including:

  • A training pack with training plans for all skill levels, as well as expert tips and tricks to help you make the most of your efforts.
  • Your own personalised running vest to wear on the day
  • Support from our cheer station on Marathon day to give you a boost on your way to the finish
  • A fundraising pack full of ideas to make raising your sponsorship target a piece of cake!
  • Support and regular updates from our fundraising team, with the latest event news, training and fundraising tips. We’re always just a call or email away if you have any questions.

The next London Marathon is Sunday 27th April.

How to apply to take part in The TCS London Marathon 2025

If you’re interested in taking part in The TCS London Marathon with Family Action, please complete the application form below and we will get back to you.

If you have any queries, please contact Ellie Henderson on [email protected]


Previous runners said:

“I smiled from the first step to the very last and enjoyed every single moment, I’m not really a road runner (I prefer the trails in the countryside) so I found training for it really hard, but the day – oh my gosh it was something else, no experience or race compares. I see now why people describe it as the greatest race in the world.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed the training and the marathon itself, it is rare to find an activity that is so physically demanding whilst being so rewarding. I found it incredible for my physical and mental health and from that point alone I would recommend anyone to sign up. When this is coupled with the fact that you are raising money for a fantastic charity it really gives you a drive to want to do well and train hard. The day itself is amazing, it is hard to explain the elation you receive when running through London with tens of thousands of people all cheering you on and wishing you well. I will most definitely do another one.”