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How our FamilyLine service can support you through challenging times 

25 January 2022

To coincide with the 3yr anniversary of FamilyLine, we looked at key numbers which have defined our FamilyLine service’s first three years. Here, in a short series of articles, we hear from some of the people behind the numbers and the families that we have helped via the helpline and our newly developed tier 2 services.

Our FamilyLine service supports families struggling with any aspect of family life; both the everyday and the exceptional. Our trained volunteers and staff work together to understand families’ concerns and offer a supportive ear and useful information. 
Here’s an example of how that works. 

When Miriam contacted FamilyLine she was in tears. 

She rang us after the Samaritans had recommended she call regarding some issues she was having in her relationship. 

The couple had moved in together six months before, along with their two-year-old son and a teenage daughter from her previous marriage. 

However, since that point, the couple hadn’t been getting on and the partner, feeling she was at fault, had asked her to leave. 

This situation was complicated as, although the property had been bought in his name, she had contributed to the purchase using her savings. 

Miriam now found herself with no money and in debt. 

We received the call the night after her partner had threatened to call the police and report her as a “bad” mother to get her to leave, and she feared her children would be removed, particularly as her partner stated that – “he knew the law”  and this would happen once she was homeless. 

She had not lived in the area for long and did not feel she could approach the council… There was just too much going on and she did not know where to start.

We reassured her first that her children would not be taken from her for being homeless straight away, noting that the council would actually help her if this was the case, before giving her the time to tell us her story in full.

Once it was brought into the open and discussed she was able to recognise that her partner was using scare tactics to make her feel vulnerable. 

We helped her find organisations to manage her finances and signposted her to support in relation to her  legal rights. We also arranged for coaching within the service to help her take the actions needed to get her back on her feet. 

She said: “can I just say thank you for being such a diamond and listening to me. I really felt alone and very overwhelmed until I contacted you”. 

She said: “can I just say thank you for being such a diamond and listening to me. I really felt alone and very overwhelmed until I contacted you”. 


Nobody should suffer from worries such as these when they’re trying to raise a family. If you feel lost or alone and need a listening ear then don’t hesitate to contact the FamilyLine service for free, confidential support. If we can’t help, we’ll find someone who can. If you’d like to support Family Action’s work you can do so by visiting our get involved page. 








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