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FamilyLine – the numbers behind a record-breaking year

20 January 2022

Since Family Action Patron Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge service three years ago it has supported an amazing 20,655 people. 
Here we look behind the numbers to find out more about the pressures facing families using the service 

In general, the top four concerns which prompt people to get in touch are parenting support, financial issues, child contact issues and relationship issues although, understandably, in 2020 enquiries about financial issues increased by more than 1,000% as people dealt with the repercussions of the pandemic. 

Perhaps also because of the pandemic we’ve seen a growth in the number of people contacting the service and last year the number using FamilyLine was 114% higher than in the year it launched.  

Despite the overall increase in contacts, we saw particular growth in areas that might relate to increased time spent at home with family – with a 176% increase in enquiries relating to communication, a 143% increase in parenting support enquiries and a 138% increase in enquiries relating to relationship issues. 

We’ve adapted to meet these changing needs and in recent times the service has also expanded to offer “tier 2” services in partnership with our supporters LV= where, as well as providing immediate, free, and confidential support and guidance, adults who contact FamilyLine can also be referred for further support in the form of befriending, counselling and coaching.  

 One mother of a 16-year-old who called for behavioural support said: “The coaching sessions were really useful. The coach helped me to keep focus on individual tasks and put together an achievable action plan. 
“I’m so grateful for the support.” 

 Where this additional support is not quite suitable, the trained volunteers manning the line can also help identify other Family Action services which may be useful or signpost to external organisations where appropriate.  

“FamilyLine is there for families in crisis today, and tomorrow for follow-up support if needed. A dedicated team of volunteers enable us to be a listening ear for all adults, offering support and guidance, or more in-depth support if needed.”

 FamilyLine Head of Helpline, Ayse Hassan said: “FamilyLine is there for families in crisis today, and tomorrow for follow-up support if needed. A dedicated team of volunteers enable us to be a listening ear for all adults, offering support and guidance, or more in-depth support if needed. 

“The increase in people getting in touch shows just how vital this service is as families face the pressures of day-to-day life as well as coming to terms with the changes the global pandemic has had on our way of life.” 

“The increase in people getting in touch shows just how vital this service is as families face the pressures of day-to-day life as well as coming to terms with the changes the global pandemic has had on our way of life.” 

If you feel like anything mentioned above would be useful for you and your family don’t hesitate to contact FamilyLine for free support, practical information and guidance. 

If you’d like to support Family Action’s work you can do so by visiting our get involved page. 


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