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Creating Happy Memories this summer

14 June 2021

With summer on our doorstep, at Family Action we’re committed to helping families move on from a difficult year and towards the sunshine. We hear from our Chief Executive, David Holmes CBE, about our new Creating Happy Memories campaign to help families share experiences that will last a lifetime.

If you’re anything like me and my family, the pressures from Covid and all the related lockdowns will have left you feeling like you’ve been turned inside out. 

The situation has robbed many of us of the very aspects of life that are most vital to our mental and physical wellbeing – whether that’s family and friends, school, gyms, days out and hobbies… or just the freedom to be without fear for our safety. 

The pandemic has challenged us all – as parents, employees, and even as friends. But hopefully we’re moving out of that phase of our lives and into a future that looks brighter.  

And what timing! As I write this with the sunlight streaming through the windows and with things starting to feel a bit more normal again, it’s hard not to be optimistic about what we can all achieve and reclaim over the coming months.  

That’s what Creating Happy Memories is all about.  

At Family Action we want to support families to spend quality time together and create new positive experiences that will strengthen family bonds and help us all to heal. 

That’s why I’m proud to introduce our free digital Creating Happy Memories summer activity pack, which features lots of great suggestions for family fun to bring us all closer over the coming months.  

I’m also looking forward to hearing the personal stories that we will be sharing during the campaign, highlighting the pressures we’ve all been under, but also celebrating the deep resilience and resourcefulness inside each of us.  

I hope that when we look back on the year which was historic for all the wrong reasons, what endures is what it taught us, that most of us came through it and that we managed to flourish in the time that followed.  

Have a great summer… I’m sure it’ll be one worth remembering.

Find out more about Creating Happy Memories and sign up to your free activity pack for a summer of adventure, rediscovery and quality time with friends and family. It’s bursting full of engaging, fun activities and ideas to entertain your children.

David Holmes CBE

Chief Executive of Family Action
