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Remember a Charity Week 2018

10 September 2018

Its Remember a Charity Week this week and our Fundraising Development Manager, Emma is looking at what we have in store and how leaving a gift in your will can help us build a brighter future for families.

Remember a Charity showcases how leaving a gift in your Will can help charities like Family Action respond to many of the world’s biggest problems.

Family Action relies on individuals generously leaving us gifts in their Wills to enable us to continue adapting our services to tackle the needs of the families we serve.

That’s why this week we are coming together with 200 other charities and joining Remember a Charity to launch Human – the world’s first charity-powered search engine.
Human, like Google, enables people to search for answers to big questions facing humanity. Unlike Google, Human brings these answers to life, showing short videos from real people supported by charities, volunteers and supporters.

We’ve selected three big questions that are most important to Family Action’s work, such as How do we stop poverty damaging children’s futures? You can see our answer to this question, along with other questions here.

Why are donations made in wills important?

For many people, a charitable gift made in their Will is the biggest single donation they will ever make, with potential to make the most impact. It’s a way to know that, after you’ve gone, your legacy will live on through the causes you care about the most.

“help shape the world we want future generations to live in”

Writing a Will to include a charitable gift also gives people the opportunity to get their house in order and ensure loved ones are taken care of – and disputes are avoided!- after they’ve gone.

I believe we need to do more to raise awareness of leaving gifts in Wills. Despite the benefits, not everyone feels it’s for them, however anyone, at any stage of life can think about writing a Will. In fact, whilst over a quarter of charity supporters are planning to leave a gift in their Will to a charity, or have already done so , there are still 42% of over-55s who don’t even have a Will according to Macmillan’s survey 2017.

During this Remember a Charity Week, we’ll be working hard to encourage everyone to think about leaving a gift in their Will to a charity, such as Family Action, to help shape the world we want future generations to live in.

As part of the week, The Cooperative Funeral Services are offering a 20% discount to their telephone or online Will writing. Contact me at [email protected] to get your code.

Thank You

I’d like to thank you for reading about our plans for Remember a Charity Week. We would be delighted to talk to anyone interested in leaving a gift in their Will to Family Action, and look forward to discussing the impact this could make. Whether you’re a long term supporter, a volunteer, someone who has received support from Family Action in the past or someone who has worked with us, you can make a difference by considering Family Action in your Will after your loved ones are taken care of.

Emma Sorrell

Fundraising Development Manager

020 7241 7608

Emma Sorrell

Fundraising Development Manager at Family Action


Fundraising, News


Leaving a legacy
